
Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2014

The Right Thing

Trying to please everybody is a hard task to accomplish.

I've been wracking my brain on the question if I should start yet another blog or not.
I have been writing two other blogs in last few years. The first one is Verflixt und Zugenäht. A blog I started with two friends of mine four years ago.
It was the right thing to start with, considering that none of us three was experienced in blogging nor did either of us have enough time and/or the will to write blog entries on a regular basis. So we shared the task of keeping our readers entertained while making our first steps in the blogosphere.
Much has changed since then and even though we haven't grown apart personally our interests started to drift apart. We still share our love for crafting but other topics have become interesting and important to us too.
So we decided to go our separate ways, blog-related.

That was the time I started my own Website DeSastre.
DeSastre is my own label and the site was built to show my handiwork and also to offer a possibility to shop my products.
Now don't get me wrong I love my site but it kinda limits me to the content of my blog posts; for as much as I love to craft and create things, crafting is not my sole purpose in life.

In conclusion....yes, I needed a place where I could ramble about EVERYTHING going on in my life.
So, this is the place and I most heartily welcome you to my new blog. :-)

And in case you might wonder why the heck I'm writing in English, that's easily explained: I'm just trying to please everybody ;-) I would love my family and my non-German-speaking-friends to understand what I'm writing about; writing in English is the easiest way to ensure that, so here I go!

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